Kareem Elseify


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Shared Memories

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Sent by
Payam Eshragian

"God is the Light of the heavens and the earth;
The likeness of His Light is as if there were a niche;
And within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass;
The glass as it were a glittering star;

Lit from a Blessed Tree;

An Olive, neither of the East nor of the West;

Whose oil well nigh would shine, even if no fire touched it;

Light upon Light; God guides to His Light whom He will.

And God strikes similitudes for men, and God has knowledge of everything".

Qu'ran 24:35

Shared Memories

Kareem Elseify - Livin' The Dream - Shared Memories - Perry Sachs - Studied at the Groundlings Theater with Kareem

Friend/Associate/Family Member Name

Date Published

Stepherdaisy - worked together with Kareem on "SPARTAN."
"I'll never forget the first day I met him.  He was cooler than school. The coolest actually.  Huge fro, baggy clothes, adorable smile, and just the quickest wit on the planet.  I loved Kareem.  How could I not? Everyone loved Kareem. "  more ...


Bridgetta Tomarchio - worked together with Kareem on "SPARTAN."
"He was a true friend to me, always encouraging and supporting me throughout my own career as well. ...  "whenever I think I cant do something, I think of what he wouldve said to me and I go on." " I even got my first tattoo on the back of my neck in remembrance of him. " more ...


Niva - worked together with Kareem on "SPARTAN."
"Kareem Elseify (aka Kid Kareem)... was one of the funniest people I've ever known. He had that dry, under-the-radar, very quick kind of humor that endeared him to everyone he ever came in contact with."  more ...


Jane Bliss - friend for five years
"Kareem was a very good friend of mine and the kindest person I have ever met in my life. What a loss to this world. I can only imagine that God needed him for bigger and better things...."  more ...


Payam Eshragian - Standup/Improv/Comedy Buddy more ...


Daniel Gonzales  - Friend Since 8th Grade
"I am so glad to see a web site dedicated to Kareem. He left us way too soon in his life here on earth. I hope to see him once again. I know I will."
more ...


Jay J. Berger - Teenage Friend - I had a lot of love and appreciation for Kareem.
"Kareem was the only person I completely connected with. We truly got each other. I kid you not, the most amazing memories of my life are all situations I experienced because Kareem made them happen for me."
more ...


Perry Sachs- Studied at the Groundlings Theater with Kareem
To lose someone who was always so full of life seems incomprehensible. We became fast friends and ended up as roommates.  I can honestly say that I never laughed more often or laughed any harder than when living with Kareem. ." more ...










Date Page Last Updated:  11/02/2024