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worked together with Kareem on "SPARTAN."
published July 9, 2007

In memory of my friend, Kid Kareem:

I'm devastated.  I just found out that a good friend of mine, Kareem, passed away.  Worst part? I found out about it on his damn My Space page?!  I'm so crushed.  We had that check in every once in and while friendship and I started to wonder what was going on with him since I hadn't heard from him in a while so clicked on his My Space page then there it was.   

We met on Spartan - that David Mamet/Val Kilmer picture - about four years ago.   He worked for one of the producers and I worked for the other. I'll never forget the first day I met him.  He was cooler than school. The coolest actually.  Huge fro, baggy clothes, adorable smile, and just the quickest wit on the planet.  I loved Kareem.  How could I not? Everyone loved Kareem.   

I'm still feeling the waves of losing someone so unexpectedly. The sadness from knowing that someone who was so young and had so much life ahead of him is no longer here. I can't call him. I'll never hear him say, "what's up, Stepherdaisy?"  his nickname for me, hug his neck, laugh with him.   

The only thing I can do is say that I truly will miss my friend and I think the best way to remember him is through some of his hilarious quotes from our Spartan/ production days.  So here's a little homage to the Kid (as he called himself).  I love you, sweetie:  

-re: Steph and Kareem sit at their desks and Kareem pumps up Biggie in the office after hours on Veteran's day

 Kareem "Again, for the Vets. For our fallen heroes." 

*re: random comedy on set

Deborah- " I actually ate a turkey dinner off of Pat's hairy chest."
 Kareem -" Jesus, and I'm Muslim."  

*re: me telling Kareem about my "voice teacher"
 Kareem "Oh, I  thought you said your blood seeker."

*re: 11/4/03 - Kareem re: a crappy production company we worked with

 Kareem "It's got that shit gloss on it."  

*re: me complaining about eating too much Baja Fresh

 Kareem -"You reached your 'fresh hold."

*re: 10/30/03 - Kareem on the phone with another dude telling him his IM

 Kareem - "No, dude, it's not Cod Kareem. It's Kid Kareem" 

*re: 10/27/03  Listening to Al Green - "How to Mend a Broken Heart" in the office with just me and Kareem

Steph - "God, I feel like slow dancing."

 Kareem - "Get ready."

*re: 10/3/03  Kareem on the phone with someone, monitoring their "cool."

 Kareem - "Did you just say 'Peace Out?"

*re: 10/3/03  re: Kareem telling a story about working with incompetent people who didn't even know what CAA -the top agency in town - was.

 Kareem "Yeah, they'd put a message on my door that the president of the CIA called for Art."  

LOVE YOU, Kid!!!!
