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submitted by
Bridgetta Tomarchio

worked together with Kareem on "SPARTAN."

published August 7, 2007


I was one of Kareem's close friends. I met him about 4yrs ago on the set of Spartan, where I was assisting Val Kilmer and he helped me get through the day to day headaches that I went through. He was a true friend to me, always encouraging and supporting me throughout my own career as well. I owe him so much because he used to get me some auditions, and I whenever I think I cant do something, I think of what he wouldve said to me and I go on. I used to tell him of all my ventures and ideas, and he was the one out of my friends who would support me the most, always watching my shows, coming to my events and supporting, even helping me with scripts. He was recently writing a script of his own, and told me that I could read it. I was sooo proud of him taking the time off to write his own script. Im sure you guys know that, and I think you should get it registered and publish it. I would love to help in anyway that I could. I was devastated when I found out. I had been hosting a superbowl party in Miami, and I told him about it, even sent him pics beforehand. After, I tried to call, and heard nothing and didnt understand why. I even drove by his place several times. I had left numerous messages, texts, and even emails. I just thought he was busy and absorbed in his script, but I did think it strange because he ALWAYS got back to me within a few hours at the most. I found out in one of the worst ways, a detective had called me. I didnt believe him and immediately went to the myspace page and found out it was true. I was really upset, because I am also one of his top friends on myspace and NOONE had even thought about contacting his top friends with a personal email?? I missed the funeral. Im still heartbroken over it, and I would really love to go pay my respects to where he's buried as well. If someone could please please email me that , that would be great. He knew how drawn I was to the Egyptian culture, and had given me some things he had gotten in Cairo as well. I even got my first tattoo on the back of my neck in remembrance of him. Its the eye of Horus. He would have appreciated it, because these were some topics that we used to discuss. Please, if theres anything that I can do to be of help, I will. I can send yousome photos of us as well.


Bridgetta Tomarchio

