Kareem Elseify

If you have pictures or memories of Kareem you would like to share on his website,

please send them to elseify@kareemelseify.com.

Photo Galleries




Film Credits


Shared Memories


Kareem Elseify - Dogtown Set - last day of filming

Kareem Elseify - Lakers Game - 2006

Kareem Elseify - New Years Eve 2004 - Las Vegas



Kareem Elseify - Agency Head Shot


\Kareem Elseify - Ready to hit the boulevard in Las Vegas - 12/31/2004


Click here for previous web site postings.
Directions to Rose Hills Memorial Garden

Date Page Last Updated:  March 24, 2025



In Loving Memory of our son, our brother, our friend ...
Kareem Elseify
March 24, 1972 - February 11, 2007
Born in New York City, NY, USA
We are missing you now and forever
we are thinking of you all the time.
17 Years now have passed, our love for you
will continue as long as we live.
Elseify & Friends

on your 53st birthday God has you in heaven.
It's Been 23 years
We miss you and love you, we will never forget you.

OUR Memories: Go ON

Not a day goes by without talking about you,
 and remembering those moments
 you made us laugh, your wisdom, and your foresight. 
You were the most loving son, brother and friend.

We will never forget you, my son. As you always said,
'PEACE.' Love Dad, and all Elseify family, and all his many friends.